Nl100 Poker Definition

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Nl100 poker definition meaning

Phil Hellmuth is quite possibly the most polarizing figure in the poker world. He's criticized for the way he carries himself at a poker table, he's widely considered to be a poor cash game player and he's generally disliked by many poker enthusiasts.

At the same time, the man won 14 WSOP bracelets in the last three decades which is beyond impressive and would be almost certainly impossible if Phil Hellmuth was indeed as bad at poker as many paint him to be.


In this article we'll take a look at some of the famous hands Poker Brat took part in at try to dissect them in order to figure out what makes his game tick.

There is also a lot of games at NL50 and NL100 limits. Playing at high limits will delight experienced poker players: up to 5 tables at NL1000 and 6-8 tables at NL200-400. Fast poker tables at BestPoker are available in 5-max from €20 NL in the new Top Trumps Football Stars format. Until November 2020, fast poker was presented on. Not sure if NL100 population is heroing often enough or whether you only get called by better. Seems fine vs a good reg, bad vs a rec or shitreg. Every new poker.

  • Mining – in translation from English – means «extraction» or «gathering». In online poker it is a collection of handhistories played by other players. Then these hands are imported into the programs for collecting and displaying statistics, such as PokerTracker or Holdem Manager.
  • Definition of “Rake” In Poker, the Rake is the house fee that is charged to the game on a per hand basis. For Example: You have an all-in on NL100 on.

It's a Trap!

This is Phil Hellmuth's signature play. Underplaying a strong hand on the early streets in order to induce action from weaker hands - or 'trapping' for short. According to many professional players this is the kind of play that belongs to casual home games and not WSOP final tables or televised cash games, but trapping opponents is something that Phil Hellmuth was doing for the last three decades and since he hasn't given up on the play yet it has to be profitable for him.

In this particular scenario, by limping with AA preflop Poker Brat managed to convince the small blind player to complete with a marginal hand and pay the champ two healthy streets of value.

If we took a closer look at this kind of play we'd probably come to the conclusion that it's very hard to balance and it doesn't put enough pressure on the opponents so it's most likely not the highest EV option, but Hellmuth's game is full of those strange sub-optimal plays which overall makes him a very hard player to play against.

Reading Them Softly

Like every other high profile old school poker pro, Phil Hellmuth possesses this uncanny ability to hand-readother players in a live poker setting. It's the result of excellent table awareness combined with years and years of experience.

While many poker pros would shake their head at someone naming not only the hole cards of the other player but also their suit (since narrowing down someone's hand to the card value and suit is as far from defining the entire range as you can get, plus there are few situations where the exact suit of the hand actually matters) what Phil Hellmuth does in the video presented above is downright impressive.

Sure, he might have a very rudimentary understanding of the theory as it pertains to range construction but his level of unconscious competence when it comes to hand reading is so high that it can only be matched by other top old school pros like Daniel Negreanu and Doyle Brunson.

Switching Gears

Phil Hellmuth's game is not all limping and trapping. He's capable of switching gears when the opportunity presents itself. In this particular high stakes poker session, the table agreed on a good old 72o side bet which added some additional value to Phil's line. He polarized his range by 3betting pre and bombing two streets post flop which combined with his tight table image caused his opponent to release a very strong hand.

The ability to shift gears like that in pursuit of a high EV play is an important mark of a good player. This hand shows that Phil Hellmuth is aware of his image and he's able to use it in crucial situations. He's also aware of the importance of betsizing which Mike Matusow proves by saying:

I know Phil never makes a big bet on the river unless he has it'.
Turns out that Hellmuth is much more balanced in this spot than we'd all give him credit for.

A Word From Daniel Negreanu

Who better to decipher Phil Hellmuth's game than a fellow old school poker pro who played against him for many decades - Daniel Negreanu. In this little interview, Daniel confirms some of our suspicions.

Nl100 Poker Definition Meaning

While Hellmuth's fundamentals aren't very strong and his understanding of the theory isn't very deep (which is especially pronounced in math-intensive scenarios like playing against short stack players) his unconscious competence combined with unpredictable lines makes him a nightmare to play against for the less experienced players who aren't able to adjust to his weird playstyle.

On top of that, most people have this preconceived notion that Hellmuth is a bad player, but few of them try to understand his strategy. They are satisfied with a simple label which ultimately leads to their downfall since you can't really make optimal adjustments based on a simple label. Phil Helmuth's game is strange and flawed but also hard to define and counter which is perhaps much more valuable than we all give it credit for.

It's entirely possible that the Poker Brat would get absolutely destroyed in an online NL100 game like many players claim he would, but in the context of a live tournament where you only play 15-20 hands per hour and you can't hide behind your avatar, Phil Hellmuth is definitely doing something right.

14 WSOP bracelets prove that without a shadow of a doubt.

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Many poker enthusiasts often ask themselves: why, with the enormous amount of useful training materials available to everyone, the most popular limits in online poker are still nl2-nl5-nl10? Is it so difficult to get the necessary knowledge and quickly overcome low limits? Do most players really enjoy sitting at micro stakes for years and playing very weak poker?

But even if we leave out the total number of players of the NL2 limit at Pokerstars, then why are the profile poker sites reflecting the lobby of poker sites? Most of the hands for evaluation, poker blogs, discussions about the strategy are at low limits. This seems paradoxical, but regular visitors to the poker strategy portals are just as distributed among the limits as the recreational players.

A misunderstanding of the learning process is a key reason for living at micro limits and lack of growth in poker. An effective approach to learning quickly leads to an increase in limits and an increase in the level of skill. It is not uncommon to encounter stories when a player in one year covered the path from nl2 to nl100. Passing the limit every two months is an impressive result, but achievable. Consider the main errors that lead to freezing at low limits.

1. Too many training materials

There are a great many ways to improve your poker strategy: watching VODs from expert trainers, analyzing hands in poker programs, reading books on poker, discussions on a specialized poker portal, working with a poker coach. The effectiveness of each of them is individual and depends on the personality of the man. However, not only are there a decent number of ways to work on the game, but poker itself is a complex game with a huge number of elements. A typical poker player seeks to cover all directions at once and receives a logical result - mental disorder and real chaos in his thoughts. Due to the layering of several topics, the effectiveness of training is greatly reduced or drops to zero. As a result, the profitability of playing poker (as you study the materials) can not only not grow, but also greatly decrease.

DefinitionNl100 poker definition synonyms

Instead of chaotic and unsystematic work on all topics at the same time, we recommend choosing the 1-2 most important ones and purposefully increasing your competence in them. After some time, you will master them well and will be able to move on. Due to closer attention and painstaking work, you will form a strong foundation for further achievements.

2. Lack of rest

Due to the piling up of materials and the desire to absorb everything, the players will minimize their free time to a minimum. After all, someone is already playing nl100, and you are still on nl10 and you can’t even get higher. All qualified teachers know that rest plays an equally important role in the assimilation of new information and the development of skills. Forced pushing of new information often gives the opposite effect.
Give yourself a break. Do not overdo it with new materials - give them time to gain a foothold in your mind. Once a week, give yourself a day off and don't think about poker at all. Ideally, once every few months do not think about the game at all and do not sit down at the computer for several days in a row. This will not only not slow down your progress, but vice versa - it will stimulate it.

3. Failure to see improvements

It is difficult to calculate the number of situations when a person, inspired by the best intentions, began to work on himself, but, without seeing tangible progress, threw the right thing. Even within the life of one person, this happens repeatedly. Every failure undermines faith in one's strengths and abilities. And to keep moving in the right direction with each attempt is getting harder.

In poker, progress is even more difficult to see because of the variance. In a negative round of dispersion, it’s difficult to understand that you started reading hands a little better, throwing cards in the pass earlier or betting thinner. Paradoxically, you are moving forward, but not as fast as you would like.

After that, give up and stop doing what really helped. Therefore, it makes sense to define clear criteria for improving the game. It is advisable that they do not have a direct relationship with the results. A good way is to play a decent distance in a month and then arrange a careful analysis of the situations studied. It is most convenient to use Poker Tracker 4 or Holdem Manager 2 for this. In the most sad cases, if your abilities remain unchanged, then you will realize that the actions performed did not bring the desired results. And change the approach to learning. This is also a movement in the right direction!

4. Focusing on the wrong things

Most poker players strive to improve their game every day. They seek new knowledge, quickly introduce it into their game and move on. The result is a very diverse arsenal of tricks that they can use during their best sessions. But they manage to show their best game somewhere in 10-15% of all time at the poker tables. Most of the gaming days are not at the peak of opportunities. They play worse, the concentration is lower, more errors. A significant part of the shortcomings in such game segments is repeated day after day.

A careful analysis of played session in poker software will lead to an unexpected conclusion - the eradication of simple but repetitive errors can instantly increase your profit by a substantial amount. Working with more complex concepts causes a very slight increase in winrate. Yes, and in those few days when all the stars converge and you manage to show the best game. The key idea is very simple - remove the worst elements in your B-game and this will lead to an increase in the entire range of your poker skills. We do not deny the usefulness of working in training programs like Simple GTO Trainer, but we insist on the greater usefulness of getting rid of obvious holes in your poker strategy.

Nl100 Poker Definition Dictionary

5. The study of irrelevant materials

Nl100 Poker Definition Synonyms

VODs of Phil Galfond can be very interesting to watch. Stream from NL1000 will also add positive emotions. Imitation of idols from high stakes, when you play NL10 - will inevitably lead to collapse. Prefer qualified materials that are created for your limits and match your level of understanding of poker. Do not run ahead of the engine. Training in poker is not a sprint, but a marathon. Working through on your mistakes in Flopzilla or Power-Equilab will be more useful for skill growth than viewing the final table of the WSOP-2019.