Dream Meaning Poker Chips

Dream Meaning Poker Chips 9,5/10 7253 votes
Published: June 9, 2016 - - Posted In: meaning

Colors in dreams play an important role helping you better decode the dream. They come across as moods or feelings attached to symbols that are in the dream. Bright colors would translate differently from dark or dismal colors. How we feel on the inside brings us closer to our emotions and how we feel at the present moment.


Black is the mysterious, the unknown the shadow side of the dreamer. Black is the darkest color owing to the absence of or complete absorption of light; the complete opposite to white. Your deep and darkest feelings and secrets are blind to you. One might need light (vision) for them to see.

Depending the context of the dream it can be translated differently. It is often a color associated with loneliness, delusion, submission, mourning, and depression. It can often signify the unknown or yin in Chinese culture, as the feminine side.

Dream Interpretation Psychology. There are many theories about why we dream, yet the mystery has yet to be figured out. Some view that dreams contain no purpose or meaning, however others suggest dreams are necessary for mental, emotional and physical health. For example, a player may throw his chips into the pot with force, and then leave his hands out near the action. For most players this means a big hand, for other players, it is a bluff. Some poker tells are false, many are contradictory, and some are just downright unreliable.

It would relate to the moon, contracting, submission, stillness and passive. Black in terms of death could be a positive symbol as the old dies and the new begins.

Translated in terms of psychology it has both power and control. Ability to cling on to information rather than giving out to others. Black has the ability to absorb negative energy.

When teenagers wear black clothes it signifies a transition from teenage to adulthood. This change is the ending of the old and in the with new. Black can be linked to sexual seduction, as in the women who wears black lingerie to seduce the male. In religious stand point the priest wearing a black robe is in submission to the higher power.

  • dark
  • shadow
  • mysterious
  • depression
  • yang
  • feminine


White is the complete opposite of black. The yang is considered by the Chinese as the active male principle of the universe, characterized as male and creative and associated with heaven, heat, and light. White symbolize protection, knowledge, higher consciousness and clearly.

Dream Meaning Poker Chips Ahoy

White is know as spiritual protection around your aura so no negative energies can penetrate.

As a psychological stand point, white has always symbolized as purity and perfection. As one gets married they wear white to show their innocence and wholeness. The new opening of ones own mind body and soul. Aspects of the unconscious become conscious. White as a dream symbol might imply the ending of a cycle in your life. A change of job or higher conscious transition.

  • pure
  • clean or innocent
  • yang
  • protection


Often seen as a calm, often tranquil comforting color. Blue represents a cleansing, creativity and loyalty in us. In our dreams blue is usually connected to the water which represents our emotions. It can also be associated with spirituality, heaven and sky.

Depending the lightness or darkness of the color can show a deeper meaning to where you see it. It can also be associated with a boy if one might be pregnant. Often times in our dreams blue will be interpreted by a low energy, sadness and depression.

Blue in the Indian culture represents the throat chakra. This connects you to the divine and is associated with the heavens above. In the Buddhist culture it is linked to mindfulness. The ability to be in the present moment by removing all the clutter from the mind.

  • sad feeling blue
  • sky
  • loyalty
  • water/emotions


This is the color of earth, we would often see this color outside in nature. This is a symbol of grounding, like dirt and trees that are firmly planted in the ground. In a spiritual sense one energies must be grounded in to the earth for balance – a connection with the feminine energy.

A symbol of trust, friendship and the root/grounding/mother nature. A craving to explore the outdoors, escaping from the city life. Relating to the protection and support of the family unit, with a keen sense of duty and responsibility, brown takes its obligations seriously.

It encourages a strong need for security and a sense of belonging, with family and friends being of utmost importance.


Dating back to ancient Egyptian times, the color purple was referred to as royalty, and a connection with the Gods. Purple was used as a rare dye that was only made by the Phoenicians in the city of Tyre, modern day Lebanon. Only the high class and kings where able to afford this color.

In modern times it is used for bravery, known as the purple heart. In our dreams it’s considered a symbol of nobility, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, strength, mystery, and magic. Purple is the most powerful visible wavelength of electromagnetic energy.

Relating to the Crown Chakra this symbol represents healing from above and with the world. It is often associated with the divine and higher consciousness. The color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment will often see this color.

  • transformation
  • creativity
  • spiritual awareness
  • protection
  • wisdom


The combination of both red and yellow. This fun warm color can be linked to the sun, healing, and enjoyment. Orange as a chakra imply s openness and connection to the world around them. In a spiritual sense it would represent grounding, compassion, high energy, and emotional balance.

The darker the orange might appear as a sign of deep passion or the possibility of energies being unbalanced. In a psychological stand point, the color orange increases the oxygen supply to the brain and generates mental activity. This can be linked to more creativity and being more social.


Dating back to our primitive ancestors, red is a color of blood, survival and fire. The energy of primal life force, our deep passions, our love, and what drives us. In today’s world red has been known as a magical and religious color. It has been known when you are driving to STOP.

In essence red in dreams is a symbol of sexuality on a unconscious level, such as love and sex being positive, and anger and hate on the negative.

The ancient Chinese would consider red to be good luck, where the Indian think of red as grounding. This is where you need to ground all your energies to the earth as it is the 1st chakra.

If your root is block then your whole bodies energy field be out of sorts. If off balance you will experience anger and rage, frustration,resentment, anxiety and depression.

  • passion
  • anger Rage
  • energy


Often a color we see as neutral color. If one is indecisive or on the fence about a situation then gray can imply that feeling. This is a mixture of black and white, the yin and yang mixed up. If one is feeling in a low, depressed mood than this color can appear. You might be feeling to be away from people and society.

  • depression
  • on the fence


This color represents nature, peace and tranquility. This is a positive color if it appears in your dream signifying healing and faith. Green has always been the indication to move forward in life as you drive along your life path.

Alternatively green connects one to money or even the environment. From a psychology perspective, it is the great balance of the heart and the emotions, creating a connection between head and the heart.

The green chakra represents the heart, when it is open love can enter from the divine source. The energy is very powerful that allows you to give and receive love and for your lower energy chakras to open up.

  • nature
  • grounding
  • greed
  • heart


The color yellow is linked to knowledge. Though it has both a positive and negative translation depending the context of your dream. If yellow is used as negative in your dream then it suggest cowardliness and indecision. On a positive side it can mean logic, happiness and hope.

Yellow is also linked to the solar plexus which is below the heart. It is related to talk, strength and sunshine.

Dream Interpretation Poker chip Dream Meanings

A dream that strongly features a poker chip suggests that you need to take a chance or let up on yourself.

My Dream Interpretation myjellybean

Poker Chip Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream:PokerChip


To dream of seeing a chipmonk means that pleasant friends will soon visit you.

If you dream of petting it, you will have family happiness.... My Dream Interpretation

My Dream Interpretation


One who has a chip on their shoulder; see “animals”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited
Dream Dictionary Unlimited


A business success or wager won.... Mystic Dream Book
Mystic Dream Book


Please see “Potato Chips” or “French Fries”... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation


Gambling chips signify successful speculation; wood chips indicate petty annoyances; and potato chips predict a change for the better in your personal and/or love affairs.

See also Cards, Gambling, Eating, etc.... The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams


Communicating a little bit at a time. ... Expansions Dream Dictionary
Expansions Dream Dictionary


In that it is difficult to lay down a bag of Lay’s potato chips, the appearance of these chips in a dream may point to your ovenndulgence in fatty foods or to any other ovenndulgent behavior.... Ariadne's Book of Dream
Ariadne's Book of Dream


In dreams a microchip will signify something that is small but powerful, such as the information we need to make spiritual progress.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


Psychological / emotional perspective: A microchip, being the essential driving force behind some much of today’s technology, can represent the whole plethora of emotions available to us if we have the courage to access them.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


Material aspects: Having to become aware of a microchip in dreams suggest that we need to become aware of our motivations and drives. Computers are now such an integral part of our lives that any part of them will be easily decipherable in their symbolism – for instance, a computer screen may have the same relevance for some as a picture does for an artist.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


The poker in this instance suggests rigid and unbending discipline, which is sometimes necessary. There is often the necessity for aggressive action, but also rigid attitudes and behaviour in spiritual development.

To poke someone is to goad them.... Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dream Meanings of Versatile


Psychological / emotional perspective: Playing a game of poker in a dream, whether on-line or otherwise, suggests that we are taking a risk in everyday life. It may be important to note who we are playing with.

A poker face is one that shows no emotion whatever the circumstances. As the game of poker becomes more popular in the field of gambling, many of the terms used have relevance in today’s world.... Dream Meanings of Versatile

Dream Meanings of Versatile


Material aspects: A poker obviously has links with masculinity, but also with rigidity. Inherent in the idea of such an object is that it causes a shift in perception. When we are being poked in a dream we need to ascertain what the irritant is in our waking lives.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


Gives gender - specific: The use of a poker can be seen as the sexual act in both men and women’s dreams but may also be seen as an inflexible attitude to the physical body.... Dream Meanings of Versatile
Dream Meanings of Versatile


To dream of seeing a red hot poker, or fighting with one, signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy.

To play at poker, warns you against evil company; and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game. ... Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation

Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation


A situation where bluffing and chance is involved; see “card game”... Dream Dictionary Unlimited
PokerDream Dictionary Unlimited


1. Taste and distinction, good social affairs.

2. A feeling of deception going on—likely in a situation, possibly a relation­ship.

3. Signifies a situation that may require good strategy and careful forethought. ... New American Dream Dictionary

New American Dream Dictionary


(Fire iron; Fomenter) Using a poker for stirring fire in a dream means adversities, visitations and suffering.... Islamic Dream Interpretation
Islamic Dream Interpretation


(card game) symbolic of taking a risk.

Dream Meaning Poker Chips Poker

If you have a good hand it symbolizes having an advantage in a situation.

If you have low value cards it symbolizes a need to make peace with your opponent ... Christian Dream Symbols

Christian Dream Symbols


1- A poker obviously has links with masculinity, but also with rigidity. In dreams a poker can therefore suggest aggressive action, but also rigid attitudes and behaviour.

2- Playing a game of poker in a dream suggests that one is taking a risk in everyday life. It may be important to note who we are playing with.

3- The poker in this instance suggests rigid and unbending discipline, which is sometimes necessary in spiritual development.... Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary

Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary


(See Cards). Beware of your associations with people of the opposite sex if you dream of playing poker.

It is particularly unpropitious if you appear to be winning.... The Complete Dream Book

The Complete Dream Book


To dream that you are playing poker suggests that a situation in your waking life requires strategy and careful planning. You need to think things out before carrying out your actions.

If your dream centers around the gambling aspect of the game, you may be participating in some risk-taking activity in real life. You may be letting fate decide how things go, and not taking responsibility for your actions. Also see “Poker Chip” below.... My Dream Interpretation

My Dream Interpretation


To use a poker in your dream to stir up a fire shows an industrious period is ahead.

If the poker is used for defense, the dreamer is aware of an unfair plot that could be ruinous to reputation.

For a dream about playing poker, see Gambling.... Psycho Dream Interpretation

Psycho Dream Interpretation


Whether you participated or just kibitzed, a game of poker played in your dream forecasts happy social events shared with good companions.

Using a fire poker signifies wasted effort in trying to rekindle a dying flame.

Don’t fret; a new fire can be built even before the ashes are cold.... The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams

The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams


A game of chance and skill, poker has at the heart of it the concept of a bluff, hence the term “poker face,” where your true intentions are hidden.

The game requires a great deal of patience and strategic waiting in order to accomplish something.

If a poker game is featured in your dream, look for ways in which you are hiding what you really have to offer in an effort to gain something that you desire.... Complete Dictionary of Dreams

Complete Dictionary of Dreams


A dream that strongly features a poker chip suggests that you need to take a chance or let up on yourself.... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation


To dream of potato chips signifies the hedonist in you.... Dream Symbols and Analysis

Dream Meaning Poker Chips No Deposit

Dream Symbols and Analysis


A dream about seeing or eating potato chips symbolizes your overindulgent behavior.... My Dream Interpretation
My Dream Interpretation


Symbolic of the need to censor things from your life ... Christian Dream Symbols
Christian Dream Symbols